The article includes some nice pictures, like this one where I show the reporter an egg that contains no straight lines. The effect makes the otherwise fairly traditional pattern appear to quake.

It’s kind of amazing that this weird little project has inspired all you wonderful backers to join me. I’m so grateful. This campaign is now very close to successful: we have less than $ 300 left to raise, with 5 days to go. I hope there are still a few more backers out there who want to see this project happen, or at least want to receive one or another of the rewards. The more we go over the goal, the more Abbott Imaging and I can do with this film.
Some of you have been amazingly wonderful champions promoting this project to your friends. Thank you! Everyone else: rack your brains … who else might actually enjoy being part of something this unusual? Remember, as far as I can tell, no one has ever before applied film and animation techniques to exploring the art of Ukrainian batik eggs, not because it can’t be done, or because it is hard, but because some things just need to be done once before anyone realizes how cool it is.